Sunday, July 24, 2011

Creating Privacy

 I'm friendly and outgoing, but when I want to enjoy my pool, I prefer privacy. I'm grateful for the fence around my yard, even if it is chain link, but it offers no privacy. Along the north side of my home, I planted necklace pods and plumbagos that will eventually give me an attractive privacy screen. On the south side I wanted something more immediate to allow me to enjoy the pool. Money being a concern, I was limited in my fencing options. In addition, that side of the yard looked terrible too. The grass didn't grow and there were no attractive plants. The existing surnim cherry hedge is wonderful, but stopped half way down the property line.

First, I planted 4 more cherry bushes to fill in over time. Then I bought 2 rolls of inexpensive reed fencing and zip tied it to the existing fence. Then I planted a red passion vine and a cutting from a brugmesia/ angel trumpet. They will grow faster than the hedge and give color along the fence.

I envision that the side yard will eventually be 2 large flower beds with walkways along the fence line and between the beds. I planted two small foxtail palms, chosen because they are draught and cold tolerant. I added two knock out roses, which I purchased, flax lilies and crinum lilies that I divided from the overgrown existing yard and some gaillardia which I started from seed.  I eliminated the grass and applied mulch to keep the weeds down and keep moisture for the plants.

Things have started to grow!
Using curtains in my carport helped me create an outdoor room  which offers shade and privacy
Using curtains on a carport can creat privacy and also the feeling of an outdoor room, without a big expense. In addition to my privacy, the neighbors don't have to look at my shelves of paint, cleaners and pool chemicals. In Florida, carports are rarely used for parking a car! My carport provides a shaded sitting area close to the grill. Also in this photo you can see PVC that I've painted for garden art and concrete blocks used as planters and plant stands. These ideas are mentioned in my blog under recycling.
                                                        space before curtains 2011

Space after curtains

Opposite side of yard. Plants will eventually grow taller than chain link fence to provide privacy.

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